Local Awesomeness: Midtown Garden Market

by:  Jason Bowen

Pardon the glare.
Spring is officially here and that means it's time to get your garden going.  Whether it be a vegetable garden or a flower garden...or both...., you're going to want great plants at a great price.  But not only that, you want that human experience when you go to purchase.  I know I want to walk into a place that feels soulful and organic.  And I don't necessarily mean organic in the hipster, authentic vegan type of organic.  I mean it in the business sense of the word.  Perhaps non-commercial is more adequate a descriptor but nonetheless, both words could be used to describe what you would typically want from a local garden shop.  Midtown Garden Market is exactly this type of establishment.

Non-commerical, organic, welcoming, knowledgeable and a bargain are all adjectives I would use to describe MGM.  Last week I took the opportunity to patron their shop for the first time and guys, this place blew me away.  The second you walk into their establishment you feel like you're in an open air market that really cares about their mission.  They love the plants they work and take pride in the labor involved in providing their product to the public.  It's just in the air.

Pardon the glare part 2

Just moments after I picked up a plant tray, I was approached by a white haired older gentlemen with an air of knowledge who asked if he could help with my selections.  In situations where I'm devoid of knowledge, I'm always willing to accept assistance especially when it's offered with a friendly and genuine face.  Plant after plant, this gentlemen offered me his time and his knowledge on pretty much everything they had to offer.  He encouraged sampling as we went and gave suggestions on how to grow, trim, harvest and prepare the veggies/herb for later eating.  I hate that I don't remember his name.  Nevertheless, you'll know him when you meet him. 

Pardon the glare part 3

Midtown confirmed that they do buy all of their plants from local growers and are dead set on providing great plants at very reasonable prices.  Upon leaving and driving away, I walked out of Midtown with numerous garden vegetables and herbs for around $18.00.  But I found that it was the genuine customer service and the abundance of knowledge I walked away with that truly contained the most value.  I might screw up these plants or the local deer might find a way to pilfer them away but it's the knowledge I took away from Midtown that I hope to continue to nurture and grow.  If I happen to have a nice bounty of veggies, then so be it.

Midtown, if you happen to read this review, keep doing what you're doing because what you're doing is authentic .  You guys are amazing.

Also, check them out on Facebook:  Midtown Garden Market  
